Monday, December 10, 2012

I Got Nothing

Wow, it's been over two months since I blogged last.  I wish I could say it's because I've been way too busy with life that I haven't had time to write.  But seeing as how I have all the free time in the world, I don't really have an excuse.

I think it's more self preservation.  If I really said what I thought about things and people, it could get real ugly real fast. 

My birthday is Saturday, I'll be 34 and no, getting older doesn't bother me.  I still feel like a young twenty-something and act like a juvenile, so it's all good.  Hell, I got carded for cigarettes (yes, I'm back to smoking) so apparently I don't look that old.  Or maybe she was just being nice.

Great, now I'm paranoid.

Lot Lizard came to town a while ago and we had so much fun.  Went to the Texas State Fair the day Big Tex burned and got in for free.  Some dude in line had extra tickets and gave them to us.  SCORE.  One minor Piper moment when I lost my driver's license, but luckily it was found and turned in to the little lost & found department at the fair.  Thank the gods I didn't have to get a new one, though I wouldn't mind a new picture.

Then we went and ate at La Colle Doce, great mexican seafood restaurant.  Some wine drinking priest bought us shots.  Again with the free stuff.  We were going to go back out to Dallas and party, but decided to go to the drive-in and see "Looper".  It was mind-blowing.  And we got free funnel cakes!!!  The next morning, Cafe Brazil.  Gods, I love that place.  I could eat there everyday, though sometimes those hipsters scare me.  And every time I see a certain waiter there I get the song "Tesla Girl" stuck in my head. 

Long story.

That was also the same week Will came back to town.  Had a blast catching up with him, eating oysters, playing vidoegames and the usual shenanigans.  He's moved back to Colorado and is living the good life. 

That's pretty much it.  I'm slightly unmedicated right now (my choice) and I'm feeling pretty good.  I've got my bad days, but hell, who doesn't? 

Looking forward to what I hope will be a fun weekend.  We're going to Jinbeh for my birthday dinner.  Awesome little place in Las Colinas, and then hoping to party with some friends after.  We shall see.

Stay classy, Internet.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just Relax and Accept the Crazy

I am MANIC today.  Lack of sleep doesn't help.  I was up til past one am last night and got up around 4:30 am.  Fun times!!!

I was supposed to go to Biloxi next weekend, but I think that's been nixed.  I'm upset since I won't be able to spend time with the Lot Lizard, but plans may change, so I'm trying to stay optimistic.  Probably because I'm listening to "Optimistic" by Radiohead. 


So what shall I do for my vacation?  I've already got some ideas, but being the person that I am, I'll probably not go through with any of them and end up lazing about my house with my dogs and bothering people because I'm bored.  They know when I'm like this and tend to ignore, which is fine.  I'm usually texting people at random to distract myself from the voices in my head, and when someone responds, I'm on them like white on rice.  They shouldn't have engaged, which is what I usually tell them.

I should be getting a new videogame to waste away some hours, so that will be fun.  Music and games are my solace when I'm in my sociopath mode, which is when I don't care a lick about being around people but still need to keep busy. 

There's this house out by where my sister and her family lives, and every time I drive by it, I feel like Wayne Campbell, speaking the mantra "She will be mine.  Oh yes, she will be mine."  I have no clue what this house looks like on the inside, but it's a gorgeous old farmhouse that sits atop a nice little hill with tons of space and trees.  I imagine myself sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair watching thunderstorms.  If that house were mine, that is. 

Although sometimes I think if I ever came into a lot of money, I would just fix up my own house.  The kitchen can be made bigger if I knock a wall out, and I really need to turn one of the spare rooms into a bedroom for the occasional sleepover.  The other spare room is packed with books and movies and music and junk.  There's no rhyme or reason to it, just tossed in there.  I open the door and want to clean it up, but I haven't a clue where to begin so I shut the door and ignore it.

I'm very good at ignoring messes.  Denial, maybe?  Who the hell knows.  Like I said, I'm manic today and taking it out on my blog, which I haven't done in a while.

There are days when I want to sell everything and use the money to travel around with my dogs and the Honey Badger, working as a waitress or whatever when I need a little extra cash.  Hanging out in a small town then moving on when the mood strikes me.  I don't like having roots, which is why buying my house was a huge deal for me.  It's not that I feel stuck or anything, but I think it helps me resist my urge to just up and leave when flights of fancy strike me.  Like right now, I want to leave work.  Sure, I've got one final show to caption before my day is done, but meh.  I'm not feeling it today.  Besides that, my concentration doesn't exist today, so it would be for the greater good.  Or so I tell myself.

Well, I think I've rambled on enough.  This was more for me to just pass the time and get the jumbled thoughts out of my head, but if you enjoyed this, good.  You're probably like "Thank the gods I'm not like this!"  :D

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Scratch Everything

I've been partially unmedicated for the past week thanks to having a reaction to one of my meds.  And I NEVER have adverse reactions, so I couldn't believe it was this one particular pill.  Needless to say, once I stopped taking it...the shit hit the fan.

I had the meltdown to end all meltdowns at the Chicken Express last Saturday, and my sister was even there to witness it.  She could not stop laughing and I'm surprised she didn't videotape it.  I know I would have if the roles had been reversed.

We were at the drive-thru, and after Kelly told me her order, I decided I wanted some gizzards.  Yes, I eat liver and gizzards.  Anyways, the person tells me that they've been there a while, do I want something else.  Okay, no big deal.  I'll get something else, something know, like chicken.  That was not to be.  It was going to take them at least 15 minutes to make NEW CHICKEN. 

And that's when Courtney left her body and Piper emerged.  I totally went off, screaming at them and my parting shot was "Scratch It!  Scratch everything you chicken scratchers!  We'll just go somewhere else!!"  I've toned it down a bit, but you get it. 

We ended up at Braums, and my sister had already Facebooked about it, saying she hoped Braums had ice cream, or else it could get even worse.

She got a little upset at me for telling the Braums people about Chicken Expressless, but I am my father's daughter and make conversation with anyone.  I asked the dude if he was going to spit in our food since they had been our second choice.  He just laughed and made me the best chocolate shake ever. 

I had an appointment with my pill pusher Wednesday, and she decided to take me off my main drug and give me something new.  It's less sedating, but still helps with the "dysphoric mania" that people like me tend to have.  I started it last night, so we'll see how good it is.  I never get the pills that have commercials, and even though she said this had been around for a while, it was a new one to me.  And I know my drugs, legal and illegal.

Me, my friend Will (Sunday Fundays) and his girlfriend went and saw The Dark Knight rises.  We snuck a flask in like teenagers and had the time of our lives.  The movie kicked ass, even if it was very long.  I only had to leave once!  Very impressed with myself.  The place was packed, and every time Anne Hathaway was on the screen, Will would say "Slut", and the couple sitting next to me would just die laughing.  Then we decided that Bane's voice sounded like Space Ghost, and it was just downhill from there.  When we left the theater, at 10 pm, it was still 98 FREAKING DEGREES.  That's not the boy band, that's the actual temperature. 

Texas has been a nasty, hot, sweltering bitch.  It got up to 108 the other day, and I can't decide if I have no energy because of the heat or because I'm coming down off my meds.  Probably a mixture of both.  I don't even like eating right now, that's how bad it is.  And I love my food.

Speaking of food, I'm trying this half-assed no gluten in my diet.  By half-assed, I mean only some of the foods I eat are gluten free.  I've lost almost eight pounds, so I'm stoked about that. 

Me and the Lot Lizard are planning to go to Biloxi at the end of September.  Gambling is one of my vices, so I'm saving up big time.  I always hope that I hit it big, but then reality sets in and I remember I have the luck of the Bowdens so I better have plenty of extra dough on me.  I don't mind losing, but as long as those slot sluts let me play on a $20 for a while, I'm having a great time.  Plus the free alcohol.  How can you go wrong?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sunday Fundays, Whimsical Wednesdays, and Everything in Between

So I went to the Van Halen concert a couple weeks ago, made even better by the fact that we were in suites with all the liquor we could drink.  Free.  David Lee Roth is a strange bird.  You can just see the madness in his face, well that and the weed, and he got VERY philosophical, talking about dogs and other stuff that had nothing to do with being Hot For Teacher or Panama.  Despite that little segue, it was a blast.  And we almost got out of there with no drama.


Even though we had VIP parking, it was still a madhouse trying to get out because nobody was letting the Honey Badger back out.  So my friend, being the man of action that he is, got out and stood in front of the vehicles behind us.  Embarrassing?  Yes.  Funny?  Hell yes.  So the suburban he was blocking, when I was finally able to move, the lady in the passenger seat starts yelling at me about how she was going to let me out and that it was such bullshit what he was doing.  I apologized and we were screaming at W to get back in the car, but he kept standing there.

So what's the problem?  When I'm clearly trying to diffuse the situation and you continue to yell at me instead of the dude causing the trouble, then we have a problem.  She told me she had my tag and she was going to tell security.  Tell them what??  That nobody was letting us out so we took perhaps extreme measures?  I wish a bitch would. 

Why are people like that?  For all they know, I could have a blade under my seat and go all schizoid.  I mean, obviously me and my friends are a bit off if we're using another friend as a human shield against cars. 

Sunday Funday turned into Escape From Dallas since Italy was losing the Euro2012 to Spain.  As soon as the score went up to 2-0, I knew it was time to hightail it out of there.  I did a well check the following day to make sure no lives had been hurt, but if they had been, did he need an alibi. 

I got my pack of my cigarettes last night and drenched them in water and threw them away.  Seven bucks down the drain.  And BOOM, like that...I'm not smoking ciggies anymore.  I have a hard time giving up a lot of my addictions, but cigarettes have always been the easiest.  I think I'm attracted to the smoke more than the taste. Some of y'all might relate to that. 

I'm listening to Radiohead in my studio.  Thom York puts everything right in the world.  Him and Tori and Bjork and Flo and Portishead.  Especially if my mind's a little clogged with the "others".  I listen to music ALL day long.  And usually very loud.  I was talking to a friend and she says she does the same thing to shut out all the noise in her head.  Nice to know I'm not the only one, LoL.  Hey, sometimes the meds don't work and Courtney has to find her own way to have a little quiet. 

Oooooh!!!!  So, the crackberry finally torched itself and I am now the owner of an Iphone4 that I got for $50.  How you say?  I have no clue.  Maybe my natural charisma.  Like my hair's naturally natural.  Anyways, it's pretty cool.  I'm not obsessed with it like some others (my sister).  And even though I repel technology, so far I haven't had any problems. The only thing I hate is the stupid autocorrect and it thinking it knows what I'm trying to spell.  I have my own way of speaking, so please Apple...stop trying to CHANGE ME.  Hahahaha.  I kid, I kid.  Although my deformed thumb doesn't help me with the touchpad screen.  It's very frustrating.

Saw "Magic Mike" Friday night with my sister and a couple of her mommy friends.  For the love of Zeus...I'm not a Channing Tatum fan, but every other man in there was HOT HOT HOT like the Cure song.  And it was actually quite funny and good.  I have a feeling a lot of men got the shit banged out of them after it came out, and that's all I'll say on that.  Matthew McConaugnhey doesn't age, and if you ever wondered what happened to him after he was Dazed and Confused, you'll definitely find out.

That's all she wrote my fine, furry friends.  Stay Classy.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Confessions of a Klutz

Hi, my name is Courtney and I'm extremely clumsy.

I'm currently sitting in my studio at work with an icepack on my ankle and splints on my wrists.  And they are both unrelated injuries.

My tendonitis has been really bad the past couple weeks, and now I've got to get an EMG and nerve reduction study done.  And those aren't pleasant experiences either.  This just pisses me off more because I'm thinking I'LL NEVER GET TO THOSE VIOLIN LESSONS MY PARENTS GOT ME FOR CHRISTMAS

The gods are against me.  Or so it feels like sometimes.

Then this morning while I was innocently giving my dogs water, I fell off my back porch and into the damned sinkhole by the deck.  Needless to say I was rolling around in my backyard cussing at the top of my lungs at 4:30 am.  Bastards.

I had a great weekend, though.  I was supposed to work, but doctor's orders said no.  And since she knows me so well, she marked off the things I was not allowed to do:

Play videogames
Shoot pool

I was like "Then what the hell am I supposed to do all weekend?"

Saturday I hung out over at my sister's.  Our mom was out there helping her decorate one of her trailers, and when they went to Lowe's, I stayed with The Paige.  She and I ended up going to Braums, where she told me that she knows a lot about things that don't exist, and she only believes in some of the Harry Potter characters.  Not all.

Her daddy came home and filled up the pool, so Kelly and I got in there with her with our glass of wine.  And that bitch was COLD!!!!!  Kelly stood up most of the time, but like the mermaid I am, it didn't take me long to get used to it.

Sunday was Funday with Will.  Went over and watched the Italy/Spain soccer game, and had to do shots of bourbon when Italy scored.  My mother was disappointed saying "I've raised you better than to watch soccer."  My response was "You raised me to admire hot men, and soccer has tons of them."

Then had lunch with my friend Tae.  Hadn't seen her since she'd gotten her new silver Scion, and she's a sexy beast in that car now!! 

Well, the White Queens have kicked in, so before I stop making sense, I shall say fare the well.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Desperately Random

You ever think you need to be more upset over something than you really are?  Like maybe something happens, and you were totally expecting it to go down this way, and you feel like you should be more upset, hurt, pissed off, whatever, but you just can't muster up the emotions?

That's kinda where I am right now with some stuff going on in my life. 

Sometimes I wonder if my mental illness is the cause of that.  Some deep-seeded sociopathic tendencies.  Unlikely, yes.  But still...

I think a part of me wants to feel sad over something, and because I don't I wonder WTF is wrong with me.  Have I resigned myself to it?  Gods, I hope not.

I've been told by numerous people that I'm the most openly closed off person they've ever met.  I never knew this about myself, LoL.  I'm very open and friendly and a "what you see is what you get" kinda gal, but I don't let people in.

Now that I've been serious, let me switch gears.

I had a great weekend.  Saturday wore me the eff out.  I cooked chili at T.O.T. in Irving and got fifth place out of 65 cooks.  Not bad, not bad.  My sister got second, and The Page got first place juniors and won her first stove ever.  I'm sorry I missed her incredibly cheesy reaction, but I had to go home and get ready for a raunchy bachelorette party.  I won two games, and one of my prizes was a one-night stand kit.  I'll let you guess what all that comes with, though I'm thinking you won't have an issue.  We then went to Cowboys, some country music club, and while I loathe that music, I still had a great time. 

I can not skip my meds.  EVAH.  Holy Hades, it just makes me feel completely jacked up the next day.  Found that out Friday when I got home too late Thursday night to take my pills (and had been imbibing) and the next morning you would have thought I'd spent the entire weekend in Vegas drinking everything, including the worm.  And I only had one drink!!!!!!

"True Blood" starts up in a couple of weeks, and the hotness that is Alcide will soon be invading my living room.  Well, not mine since I go to a friend's house to watch it.  But that means "Game of Thrones" will be over until next year.  Bastards.  This season has been awesome, despite the fact they've deviated from the books a bit.  TEAM ARYA

Well, I must be off.  I'm technically "on-air" but we'll keep that between us.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Trading One Vice(s) for Another

Hellooooooooooo cigarettes.

We've had a tumultuous relationship.  You taunting me every time I drink, begging me to light your tip up.  But I rarely gave in.

But now that I've dropped a couple of bad habits (I think you can guess what they might be) I've started smoking on a regular basis.  Like having to buy my own pack basis.  *sigh*

Before anybody lectures, believe me....I know.  I've been raised around smokers my entire life.  Hell, I'm surprised I didn't come out of the womb asking for one.  Most of my family has either stopped completely or cut back dramatically, which is great.  I've watched them struggle with quitting, and had to listen/read what other people say about smokers.  You can be a serial killer, but if you smoke, that's the biggest sin. 

Ugh, best not to start on "those" people.  They piss me off.  No one is perfect, we all have our crutches, so just STFU and work on your own problems.

Anyhoo, I think it's more of an oral fixation than being addicted to nicotine now.  I only smoke maybe three or four a day, and I'm not having freak-out attacks when I can't have one.  Am I happy that I've begun this?  No.  But a lot of people coming down from things pick up smoking, so I guess I'm just one in a long list of billions to take it up to ease the withdrawals of other things.